
The Benefits Of Working With a Personal Trainer At Any Age

Nutra-Life Nutrition Team
Fitness goals can fall by the wayside at any stage of life. Injuries and changing physical conditions can make it particularly tough to commit to an exercise plan. Personal trainers can work with people at all fitness levels. They are fitness professionals who are trained to cater to people with secondary conditions such as arthritis.<1> Below are a few of the many benefits of working with a personal trainer, regardless of your age.
  1. Personal trainers cater to the individual
A personal trainer will design a program to help you achieve your goals without pushing your body too far. If you are receiving medical treatment for an existing condition, your trainer will work with your healthcare team to create a holistic program that’s right for you.<2>
  1. They keep you motivated
Conditions such as arthritis can have a negative impact on motivation and self-esteem.<3> The less motivated you are, the less you’re likely to exercise, which leads to less motivation, and so on. It’s a known fact that regular exercise is great for your mental health as well as your physical health. A personal trainer will motivate you by designing realistic goals and helping you achieve them.<4>
  1. They can help ease the fear of exercise
Research shows that fear plays a major part in why people stop exercising in their later years.<5> It can be the same for younger people who don’t exercise regularly. A personal trainer removes the fear of being judged at the gym or not being able to keep up with a class. They strive to create a comfortable exercise environment where you can achieve your goals.
  1. They come to you
Health and schedule complications can make it difficult to get to the gym. And even when you get there a crowd of sweaty strangers just might not be your thing! Whether you prefer to exercise in the comfort of your own home, backyard or nearby park, a personal trainer will work around your schedule and location.<6> <1> Australian Fitness Academy <2014> Personal Training Clients with Arthritis Available at: https://www.fitnesseducation.edu.au/blog/uncategorised/personal-training-clients-with-arthritis/ <2> Australian Fitness Academy <2014> Personal Training Clients with Arthritis Available at: https://www.fitnesseducation.edu.au/blog/uncategorised/personal-training-clients-with-arthritis/ <3> Arthritis Foundation, RA & Your Body Image https://www.arthritis.org/living-with-arthritis/life-stages/coping-with-change/rheumatoid-arthritis-body-image.php <4> Australian Institute of Fitness, 15 Benefits Only A Personal Trainer Can Provide https://fitness.edu.au/15-benefits-personal-trainer/ <5> Sage Institute of Fitness, Boom! Personal Training For Seniors Is Exploding Into The Marketplace http://www.sagefitness.edu.au/blog/boom-personal-training-for-seniors-is-exploding-into-the-marketplace/ <6> Australian Institute of Fitness, 15 Benefits Only A Personal Trainer Can Provide https://fitness.edu.au/15-benefits-personal-trainer/